I know what you’re thinking… “salt fish” ugh!  BUT WAIT!

This is so amazingly delicious you’ll understand why it is such a popular TRINI appetizer. Eaten with crackers, for brunch, even for breakfast, its rich, salty flavor is addictive.

Buy the package that says “boned” as we don’t want to deal with removing bones. (see photo)

The fish needs to be soaked in water overnight in the fridge, then boiled in clean water for about 30 mins. Once it flakes easily, drain and flake fish.

Now you’re ready to add: 1 minced onion… 1 minced green pepper… 2 tomatoes finely chopped or a box of grape tomatoes quartered… half a scotch bonnet pepper or more if you love heat… I use 2  tsp. of my pepper sauce… and the juice of a lime and a big glug of good olive oil.

Taste and adjust as you like, you may even need to add back some salt and  IT’S READY! Lasts for a few days in the fridge and is eaten cold or at room temperature.

Surround your platter with sliced zaboca (avocado) and hard boiled eggs. Yummmmy.